Welcome to the 90th Bristol (Westbury Methodist) Scout Group. As our name suggests, we are based at Westbury Methodist Church in Westbury on Trym and are located in the Cabot Scout District in North West Bristol, which is part of Avon County Scouts. We are part of The Scouts and follow all their rules and procedures.
We are an open church sponsored Scout Group. This means that the Scout Group and the Church support each other in achieving their aims. Because we are ‘open’ people can join us from any background or faith outside the immediate church community.
The Scout Group has existed at the Methodist church since 1965. Back then we comprised a Cub Pack and Scout Troop, for boys aged between 8 and 16. It wasn’t until 1990 that the Beaver colony came along for boys aged between 6 and 8. Scouting also became co-educational and girls were able to join at all levels too.
In 2002 major changes were introduced by the Scout Association. A new section called Explorer Scouts was introduced for young people aged 14 to 18. New and exciting training and award schemes were put in place across the board. Since then Scouting has gone from strength to strength.
In 2016 we had a large waiting list for Beavers and all of the other Beaver Colonies in the area where also full, so with the help of parents that became new leaders, we opened a second Beaver Colony.
Today we have two Beaver, Cub and Scouts sections open to boys and girls from Westbury on Trym and surrounding areas. On leaving Scouts at 14, our young people are able to join one of the district-run Explorer units close by.