Triathlon Support

The 90th (Westbury Methodist) Scout Group is growing which is fantastic news, and as a result we are constantly upgrading our equipment plus we have some plans to expand the group further.  All this does require funding however.


We are able to raise a huge amount of funds every year by marshalling at Triathlon events. We need to provide a certain amount of marshals per event (Parents) and in return the group get a lot of money for their efforts.


You don’t need to be an athlete to support, you will be asked to stand at a certain point on the course and shout encouragement and direct athletes as they pass! Or you may be asked to direct traffic in the car park as the triathletes arrive.


The dates are as follows:


Evening Series (Cromhall Diving Lake): 5.30pm onwards

24th May

21st June

19th July

16th August


Colliers Tri, Tockington Manor School, 12-6pm

Friday 16 June, 2017



*NB Saturday 17 June event – cancelled.*



Bristol Tri Children’s Triathlon, Henbury leisure centre

Sat 22nd July, 12pm


North Bristol Triathlon, Tockington Manor School, am, 1st Oct 2017


At some of the events we may be able to run a food stall which is an extra source of revenue so will update you nearer the time at which events this will be happening.


If you are able to volunteer yourself (and your Scout) to help out at one or many of the events that would be fantastic.


Please email Michelle with your availability or speak to your leader- Michelle’s email is


Many thanks in advance