Second Scout Troop
After a summer of preparations, we were ready! On Friday 27th September, the Frome Troop met for the first time with 10 Scouts, many of whom have “moved on” from Cubs, together with some children from our waiting list, under the leadership of Simon.
It was in February 2016 that we started the Frome Beaver Colony and less than 2 years later the Frome Cub Pack. We always knew that the Troop would have to follow within a couple of years and, in recent months, we’ve been actively seeking new adult volunteers and strengthening our section leadership teams in preparation. Nevertheless, we still need a couple more volunteers to come forward who would be interested and willing to help Simon.
The Troop will expand quite slowly in the first few months, we don’t want all the Scouts to be of the same age! But within 2 years I’ve no doubt the “Troop Full” signs will go up.
The Troop programme is varied, the emphasis being on learning new skills; we call them “skills for life”. Scouts will have many opportunities to be outdoors over the next few months and 3 camps are planned for next year, culminating in a 10-day trip to Kandersteg in Switzerland!
We warmly welcome our new Scouts; may they make new friends and have a lot of fun in their time with us.