90th Bristol Scout Group operates a second hand uniform service, whereby we store pre-used uniform and offer it to other members of the Group.
If you want to buy new uniform, please see our list of uniform suppliers.
Uniform Donations
If you have any old items of Beaver, Cub or Scout uniform that you would like to donate to the Group, please hand it to your section leader who will add it to the collection.
Items Available
We don’t have a list of all the items that are available. If you would like to look through the box and try on some items, speak to your section leader, who will be able to show it to you. We don’t have a price list as we want Scouting to be accessible to all, regardless of cost, so all we ask is you make a donation to the Group based on what you have taken and what you can afford.
All donations will be put in general funds, which will be used for running the Group and buying new equipment.